white text that says investigative biology teaching laboratories: inquiry based laboratories designed to promote collaboration, communication and literacy in science


Hello and welcome to the central hub for all things related to the Investigative Biology course at Cornell University! Here you can find timely updates about the course, staff, and relevant pedagogy.

Investigative Biology is a course designed to provide underclassmen (Freshman and Sophomore) students with essential laboratory experience, adding emphasis to the concepts and processes of scientific investigation. It provides a learning community to both biology majors and non-majors alike; striving to promote communication, literacy, and peer collaboration within the field of the biological sciences.

The course has moved away from cookie-cutter lab exercises to encourage modern pedagogical techniques, such as inquiry-based labs, active learning and peer instruction, and finally puts the student in the driver’s seat of their own education. Upholding the value of these techniques and ensuring the scientific success of our students is a duty our staff carry out with pride.

Connect to the course through our social media, check our calendar for important dates, and subscribe to our blog to ensure you never miss a thing!

Tentative Spring 2016 Syllabus PDF – Download

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