white text that says investigative biology teaching laboratories: inquiry based laboratories designed to promote collaboration, communication and literacy in science

From the Desk of the Director: Tour-guides on a Journey Called Biology

Have you ever watched the campus tour-guides walking backwards, telling cool stories about your university? If a tour group is too big, the people in the back lose interest quickly. Our graduate student lab instructors face a similar challenge: multiple student research groups design, set-up, and analyze different experiments in our teaching labs. It is easy to get too involved with assisting one group while accidentally ignoring others, who therefore do not receive similar guidance on their scientific journey. …

From the Desk of the Director: Popeye the Statistician

Raise your hand if you like spinach. Now, did you like spinach when you were a kid? What changed? I, for example, learned to like the flavor and probably bought into the not so subtle marketing campaign of the Popeye cartoons. Well, the statistical program called ‘R’ is the spinach of the Investigative Biology course….